43 web free Mendaftar web Anda
Saya mempunyai berapa daftar free web hosting ( hosting gratis an ) yang bisa kita gunakan untuk belajar membuat website , free web hosting / hosting gratis ini mempunyai banyak fitur, juga berbeda – beda spesifikasinya, jadi anda harus pandai – pandai memilih free web hosting / hosting gratis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, daftar free web hosting / hosting gratis tersebut diantaranya :
1. 000webhost.com
Bagi teman teman yang sedang berkelana mencari hosting – hosting gratis yang support PHP & MySql, baik yang akan digunakan untuk membantu meringankan bandwidth utama website anda seperti yang dilakukanilmuwebsite atau sekedar ingin mencoba menjalankan script php, atau bisa juga sedang belajar mencoba membuat website berbasis PHP, silahkan coba hosting yang satu ini:
Registernya ke sini: http://www.000webhost.com/order.php
Mereka 100% menawarkan hosting gratis, dan powerfull, saya sangat menyaran kan menggunakan hosting gratis ini
spesifikasinya seperti ini:
250 MB Disk Space, 100 GB Data Transfer
PHP with MySQL Database Support
PHP with MySQL Database Support
Ada fantasticonya juga (wordpress,joomla,drupal,phpbb,smf,dll), jadi kita ga perlu upload lagi dan susah – susah setting databasenya, tinggal pakai
yang hebatnya lagi ada email accountnya, top banget !!
Ok, sekarang waktunya Test and Review by ilmuwebsite.com, hasilnya:
Space | : Ya… benar pada cPanelnya di kasih 250mb |
Bandwidth | : Janjinya 100Gb, tapi di cPanelnya bandwidth nya tidak tertulis… |
Kecepatan server (Speed Test) | : Bagus… Cepat di crawl oleh googlebot (test kami), tapi ada beberapa orang yang menyatakan Server Uptimenya 77%, tapi kami belum merasakan hal itu. |
cPanel | : Bagus cPanel nya versi terbaru 13 (x3), versi ini menurut kami loading nya berat, lebih baik yang versi lama yaitu versi 10 (x) |
FTP | : Bagus… FTP nya Ok, sudah kami coba dengan smartftp dan tidak ada masalah.. |
Support DNS & Subdomain | : Ya… mereka memberikan pilihan penggunaan domain anda sendiri dengan arahan Name Server, contoh domain: unair.info (contoh arahan DNS domain ke 000webhost.com), atau anda juga dapat memilih menggunakan subdomain mereka namasitus.890m.com ataunamasitus.site88.net, contoh: http://networkandgame.890m.com |
Name Server | : dns1.000webhost.com : dns2.000webhost.com |
Affiliate | : SCAM – Mereka tidak akan pernah membayar anda |
Total Score untuk versi hosting gratis PHP SQL | : 90 |
Request Test and Review silahkan kirim email ke: webmaster[at]ilmuwebsite[dot]com |
Feature yang di janjikan oleh pihak 000webhost adalah:
- PHP mail() function and Sendmail
- Curl, GD2 library, ImageMagick, Zend
- fopen() and PHP sockets
- safe_mode is OFF, file uploads ON
- Zend Optimizer support, Ioncube loader.. and much more features are enabled
PHP mail() function and Sendmail: ini berarti anda bisa menggunakan fungsi PHP Send Mail
2. My-php.net
untuk daftarnya ke sini
spesifikasi gratis yang tersedia di situsnya
# 300 MB fast web space *free*
# 100 GB monthly bandwidth *free*
# MySQL database *free*
# PHP scripting support *free*
# FTP account *free*
# Fantastico? type installer *free*
# No file size limitations *free*
# Instant activation *free*
# 100 GB monthly bandwidth *free*
# MySQL database *free*
# PHP scripting support *free*
# FTP account *free*
# Fantastico? type installer *free*
# No file size limitations *free*
# Instant activation *free*
daftarnya ga sulit, tidak ada banner iklannya
3. Awardspace.com
Detil information:
- NamaAwardspace
- Address
http://www.awardspace.com/signup.html <<– untuk daftar/ Register
http://www.awardspace.com/signup.html <<– untuk daftar/ Register
- Spesifikasi Free Packet
200MB Disk Space
5GB Monthly Traffic
2 Domains Hosting
5 Subdomains
Free DNS Server
1 MySQL Database
FTP/FrontPage Access
5 POP3/IMAP E-mails
Instant Account Setup
Web-based File Manager
200MB Disk Space
5GB Monthly Traffic
2 Domains Hosting
5 Subdomains
Free DNS Server
1 MySQL Database
FTP/FrontPage Access
5 POP3/IMAP E-mails
Instant Account Setup
Web-based File Manager
Easy-to-use Control Panel
Reliable RAID Backups
GRID Hosting Platform
Super Fast Servers
Reliable Data Center
99.8% Uptime Guarantee
24×7 Network Monitoring
Forum Support
Fully Upgradeable
Reliable RAID Backups
GRID Hosting Platform
Super Fast Servers
Reliable Data Center
99.8% Uptime Guarantee
24×7 Network Monitoring
Forum Support
Fully Upgradeable
*Setelah Penulis Melakukan Test:
- PHP dan MySql
- Tidak ada iklan dan banner
- PHP dan MySql
- Tidak ada iklan dan banner
- Server ada di Amerika –>> berat kalau di akses dari indonesia
- karena free, client nya banyak sekali
- Tidak bisa di akses dari telkomnet instant, tapi kalau speedy bisa
- Server ada di Amerika –>> berat kalau di akses dari indonesia
- karena free, client nya banyak sekali
- Tidak bisa di akses dari telkomnet instant, tapi kalau speedy bisa
Kesimpulan, boleh dicoba untuk belajar membuat website yang berbasis PHP MySql
tapi pertimbangkan karena free jadi client nya banyak sekali
tapi pertimbangkan karena free jadi client nya banyak sekali
Saya mau tunjukkan server PHP gratis yang bagus, cocok untuk kamu yang baru coba-coba
membuat website
Untuk paket freenya ripway menyediakan:
- 30 Mb Space
- PHP 4.x
- 30 Mb Space
- PHP 4.x
- Tidak ada MySql
- Tidak ada MySql
Aksesnya lumayan cepat untuk kelas free server PHP yang letaknya di amerika baik juga FTP-nya
Servernya di Amerika
Servernya di Amerika
PHP safe_mode = on
Sehingga sulit di hack
Kok tahu kalo gak bisa di hack?
Kok tahu kalo gak bisa di hack?
Ya karena aku udah pernah coba serang pakai remote shell dan
hasilnya gagal, heuhueh :p~
hasilnya gagal, heuhueh :p~
Selamat Mencoba
Sumber dari situs Ilmu Website dalam kategori hosting service
5. AnakDugem
Fitur: 300mb Storage Space, 5GB Transfer per month, 5 MySQL databases, 20 subdomain, 20 parked domains, 20 add-on domains, 1 FTP Account, CPanel, Fantastico
Daftar: http://suggestionsite.com/ipanel/order/
6. Servermerdeka
Fitur: 20MB space, domain / subdomain, cpanel, fantastico, webmail / pop3, biaya setup Rp 20.000,-
Daftar: http://servermerdeka.com/core/hosting.daftar.php
7. orgfree
Fitur: Unmetered traffic, 200 MB Webspace, PHP 4.4.2 with GD2 library and Zend Optimizer, MySQL 4.0.26 support,Php mail() enabled, SSI Support (Server Side Includes – .shtml), Free Subdomain – yourchoice.orgfree.com, phpMyAdmin, FTP, Advanced Control Panel
Daftar: http://orgfree.com/
8. Agigforfree
Fitur: 1GB of Storage, 10GB of Transfer, cPanel v10, Fantastico, unlimited MySQL
Daftar: http://www.agigforfree.com/
9. 500freehosting
Fitur: 500MB space, 50GB bandwidth, host 10 domain / 100 subdomain, FTP, Cpanel, CGI, PHP, 5 MySQLdatabase, phpMyAdmin, Perl, Fantastico
Daftar: http://www.500hosting.com/signup.htm
10. Community.web.id
Fitur: 100MB space, 1GB bandwidth, host 10 domain, Cpanel, Fantastico, 10 MySQL database, PHP
Daftar: http://www.community.web.id/billing
11. phpnet.us
Fitur: 300MB space, 80GB bandwidth, Control panel, MySQL, PHP, FTP, free sub domain (you.phpnet.us)
Daftar: http://phpnet.us/signup.php
12. www.byethost.com
Hampir sama seperti di atas. Support PHP-MySQL, ada domain manager, tanpa banner dan pop-up, bisa bikin beberapa subdomain. Keunggulan: ada menu autoinstall untuk wordpress dan beberapa engine lain. Jadi tidak perlu menggunakan FTP ataupun File Manager untuk upload software wordpressnya.
Hampir sama seperti di atas. Support PHP-MySQL, ada domain manager, tanpa banner dan pop-up, bisa bikin beberapa subdomain. Keunggulan: ada menu autoinstall untuk wordpress dan beberapa engine lain. Jadi tidak perlu menggunakan FTP ataupun File Manager untuk upload software wordpressnya.
13. www.ifastnet.com
Hampir sama dengan byethost.com, ada menu autoinstall.
Hampir sama dengan byethost.com, ada menu autoinstall.
14. Google Pages (http://pages.google.com)
Tentu harus punya account google/gmail dulu. Tidak support PHP/MySQL, hanya bisa buat bikin web statis aja. Saya biasa pakai ini untuk upload/menyimpan file2 saja, karena fasilitas penyimpanan filenya lumayan praktis hanya dengan sekali klik (di bagian sebelah kanan setelah login). Kapasitas penyimpanannya: 100MB.
Tentu harus punya account google/gmail dulu. Tidak support PHP/MySQL, hanya bisa buat bikin web statis aja. Saya biasa pakai ini untuk upload/menyimpan file2 saja, karena fasilitas penyimpanan filenya lumayan praktis hanya dengan sekali klik (di bagian sebelah kanan setelah login). Kapasitas penyimpanannya: 100MB.
lumayan bagus, support PHP yang jelas…. trus BRAVEHOSTdotcom, kalo yg ini agak-agak kurang dech kayaknya….. cuman HTML doank, trus ada bannernya
16. http://www.110mb.com
Itu hostingan juga gratis koq, klo nggak salah ngasih 2 GB.
17. www.50webs.com
unlimited bandwidth n subdomain
sumber :
18. http://www.bravenet.com/
# 1.5GB Bandwidth
# 50MB Disk Space
# Easy Website Builders
# Ad-supported
# 1.5GB Bandwidth
# 50MB Disk Space
# Easy Website Builders
# Ad-supported
# 50MB Disk Space
# Easy Website Builders
# Ad-supported
# 1.5GB Bandwidth
# 50MB Disk Space
# Easy Website Builders
# Ad-supported
19. Pandela.com
- Fitur : Free Disk Space 150MB, Bandwidth 4,000MB, 1 Domain, 5 Subdomains, 5 Mail Accounts, 5 FTP Accounts, 1 MySQL Database, 3MB MySQL Quota.
- Fitur : Free Disk Space 150MB, Bandwidth 4,000MB, 1 Domain, 5 Subdomains, 5 Mail Accounts, 5 FTP Accounts, 1 MySQL Database, 3MB MySQL Quota.
20. NoFeeHost.com
- Fitur : Scripting: ASP, Free Web Space: 100 MB, Forced Ads: TextLink, Your Ads: Allowed, Upload: FTP, Browser.
- Fitur : Scripting: ASP, Free Web Space: 100 MB, Forced Ads: TextLink, Your Ads: Allowed, Upload: FTP, Browser.
21. Vlexo.com
- Fitur : Free Web Space 200 MB – 1G. Scripting support : CGI, PHP, FrontPage Extensions, Perl, Python, Ruby. Your Ads Allowed. Forced Ads Banner. Upload via FTP, Browser.
- Fitur : Free Web Space 200 MB – 1G. Scripting support : CGI, PHP, FrontPage Extensions, Perl, Python, Ruby. Your Ads Allowed. Forced Ads Banner. Upload via FTP, Browser.
22. fh4m.com
- Fitur : Free Web Space: 50MB – 100MB, Scripting : CGI, PHP, Perl. Forced Ads: Banner-Top, Your Ads : Allowed, Upload: FTP, Browser.
- Fitur : Free Web Space: 50MB – 100MB, Scripting : CGI, PHP, Perl. Forced Ads: Banner-Top, Your Ads : Allowed, Upload: FTP, Browser.
23. Fateback.com
- Fitur : 60 MB Free Hosting, Free Domain Name Hosting, Free Sub-Domain Hosting, Free FTP Hosting/Account, Free Unlimited Bandwidth, Free POP3 Email Account, Free Account Set up, Free Domain Name Server, Web Based File Manager, Advanced Control Panel, 24/7 Network Monitoring, Reliable Data Center, Small Banners – 20 Pixels, 99.5% Uptime Guarantee.
- Fitur : 60 MB Free Hosting, Free Domain Name Hosting, Free Sub-Domain Hosting, Free FTP Hosting/Account, Free Unlimited Bandwidth, Free POP3 Email Account, Free Account Set up, Free Domain Name Server, Web Based File Manager, Advanced Control Panel, 24/7 Network Monitoring, Reliable Data Center, Small Banners – 20 Pixels, 99.5% Uptime Guarantee.
24. 1gig.biz
- Fitur : 100MB-2GB space storage, Scripting support : PHP, cpanel, fantastico, MySQL Databases.
- Fitur : 100MB-2GB space storage, Scripting support : PHP, cpanel, fantastico, MySQL Databases.
25. 100WebSpace.com
- Fitur : Free Web Space 100MB, Subdomain, Forced Ads : Banner-Top + TextLinks, Upload : Browser, FTP, Scripting : CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions, Perl.
- Fitur : Free Web Space 100MB, Subdomain, Forced Ads : Banner-Top + TextLinks, Upload : Browser, FTP, Scripting : CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions, Perl.
26. MyPlaceHost.net
- Fitur : Free Web Space 350MB, Forced Ads: Banner, Your Ads : Allowed, Upload: FTP, Browser, Scripting : PHP, URL: Top level domain name or Subdomain.
- Fitur : Free Web Space 350MB, Forced Ads: Banner, Your Ads : Allowed, Upload: FTP, Browser, Scripting : PHP, URL: Top level domain name or Subdomain.
27. 1111mb.com
- Fitur : Disk Space : 5,000MB. Forced Ads : No ads. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload : FTP, Browser. Editor : Advanced, Basic, WYSIWYG. Scripting : PHP.
- Fitur : Disk Space : 5,000MB. Forced Ads : No ads. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload : FTP, Browser. Editor : Advanced, Basic, WYSIWYG. Scripting : PHP.
28. FreeFastServer.com
- Fitur : Scripting : CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions, Perl. Free Web Space : 1,000MB. Forced Ads: No ads. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Basic.
- Fitur : Scripting : CGI, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions, Perl. Free Web Space : 1,000MB. Forced Ads: No ads. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Basic.
29. AwesomeWebspace.com
- Fitur : Free Web Space: 8,000MB. Forced Ads: No ads. Scripting : PHP. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Advanced, Basic, WYSIWYG.
- Fitur : Free Web Space: 8,000MB. Forced Ads: No ads. Scripting : PHP. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Advanced, Basic, WYSIWYG.
30. 500FreeHosting
- Fitur : 500MB Space, 50GB bandwidth, Scripting : CGI, PHP. Host 10 domain / 100 subdomain, FTP, Cpanel, 5 MySQL database, phpMyAdmin, Perl, Fantastico.
- Fitur : 500MB Space, 50GB bandwidth, Scripting : CGI, PHP. Host 10 domain / 100 subdomain, FTP, Cpanel, 5 MySQL database, phpMyAdmin, Perl, Fantastico.
31. TFCPH.com
- Fitur : Web Space : 100MB – 1G. Scripting : CGI, PHP, Perl. No ads. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Advanced, Basic.
- Fitur : Web Space : 100MB – 1G. Scripting : CGI, PHP, Perl. No ads. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Advanced, Basic.
32. Pro-PHP.org
- Fitur : Scripting : PHP. Free Web Space: 250MB Storage. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Basic. Forced Ads: Banner.
- Fitur : Scripting : PHP. Free Web Space: 250MB Storage. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Basic. Forced Ads: Banner.
33. 225mb.com
- Fitur : 225MB Space. Scripting : PHP. Forced Ads : Banner-Top. Upload : FTP, Browser.
- Fitur : 225MB Space. Scripting : PHP. Forced Ads : Banner-Top. Upload : FTP, Browser.
34. Your–Host.info
- Fitur : 300MB Storage. Scripting : PHP. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser.
- Fitur : 300MB Storage. Scripting : PHP. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser.
35. Net-Fast.org
- Fitur : Web Space 200 MB. Scripting : PHP. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser.
- Fitur : Web Space 200 MB. Scripting : PHP. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads : Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser.
36. 65gb.com
- Fitur : Space Storage 6500 MB, Scripting : PHP, No ads, Your Ads : Allowed, Upload : FTP, Browser. Editor : Advanced, Basic, WYSIWYG.
- Fitur : Space Storage 6500 MB, Scripting : PHP, No ads, Your Ads : Allowed, Upload : FTP, Browser. Editor : Advanced, Basic, WYSIWYG.
37. Hostwebs.org
- Fitur : Space storage : 250 MB. Scripting: PHP. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads: Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser.
- Fitur : Space storage : 250 MB. Scripting: PHP. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads: Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser.
38. BestFreeWebspace.net
- Fitur : Free Web Space : 20Giga. Scripting: PHP. Forced Ads: Banners Top and Bottom. Upload: FTP, Browser.
- Fitur : Free Web Space : 20Giga. Scripting: PHP. Forced Ads: Banners Top and Bottom. Upload: FTP, Browser.
39. 4000webs.com
- Fitur Space : 4,000 MB, Scripting : PHP, No ads, Upload : FTP, Browser.
- Fitur Space : 4,000 MB, Scripting : PHP, No ads, Upload : FTP, Browser.
40. Itrello.com
- Fitur : Free Web Space : 5G. Scripting: PHP5. Forced Ads: Banners Top and Bottom. Bandwidth limit 50,000 MB/month. Awstats website statistics. MySQL Databases. Scripts AutoInstaller. Maximum file size limit 4 MB. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Advanced, Basic, WYSIWYG.
- Fitur : Free Web Space : 5G. Scripting: PHP5. Forced Ads: Banners Top and Bottom. Bandwidth limit 50,000 MB/month. Awstats website statistics. MySQL Databases. Scripts AutoInstaller. Maximum file size limit 4 MB. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Advanced, Basic, WYSIWYG.
41. 20xhost.com
- Fitur : Free Web Storage : 300 MB. Scripting: PHP. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads: Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser.
- Fitur : Free Web Storage : 300 MB. Scripting: PHP. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads: Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser.
42. Summerhost.info
- Fitur : Web Space: 300 MB. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads: Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Basic. Scripting: PHP.
- Fitur : Web Space: 300 MB. Forced Ads: Banner. Your Ads: Allowed. Upload: FTP, Browser. Editor: Basic. Scripting: PHP.
43. KwikPhp.net
- Fitur : Storage: 350 MB, Scripting : PHP, Forced Ads: Banner, Upload: FTP, Browser, Your Ads: Allowed. Your URL: Top-level domain
- Fitur : Storage: 350 MB, Scripting : PHP, Forced Ads: Banner, Upload: FTP, Browser, Your Ads: Allowed. Your URL: Top-level domain
selamat mencoba
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